Rabu, 29 Juni 2016

Why Can’t I Get Hard: Avoid Alcohol to Make your Vital Organs Healthy

Why can’t I get hard? One of the reasons why you cannot satisfy your wife is because you drink too much alcohol, so it causes you to experience erectile dysfunction. Alcohol, instead of giving bad effect to human body, it is also bad for men fertility. Therefore, let us find out why Alcohol is so dangerous and can cause erectile dysfunction.

Usually, people who are not so confident when they want to have sex, they consume Alcohol to arouse their sex. They think that alcohol has a good function to increase passion, but it is actually wrong.

Because alcohol can actually damage the health of men and can affect sperm quality. The sperm is your big asset when you want to have kids. If you drink alcohol too much, then it will make the baby born abnormal. This is the greatest effect that you may have if you don’t stop drinking alcohol instead of making you suffer from erectile dysfunction.

Consuming the Alcohol too much can make you suffer from erectile dysfunction because basically alcohol can inhibit blood circulation throughout the body, including in the area of your penis. An alcoholic generally cannot maintain an erection longer than men who have never consumed alcohol. Do you believe that alcohol can also make your penis shrink? If this happens to you, then your fertility will also be reduced.

Therefore, as a real man, you should not need to consume alcohol under any circumstances. Why can’t I get hard? Alcohol is the worst factor that can make you experience erectile dysfunction. The other important thing is that If you still want to have kids, then immediately stop drinking alcohol.

Since the alcohol can also affect the quality of your sperm so that the sperm can change to become abnormal. When the sperm fertilizes the egg, most likely when a child is born, the child will be born with disabilities. This is a nightmare for all parents in the world, then just immediately stop drinking alcohol right now.

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